Why the digitization in production pays off

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  • General

A large number of companies in Germany are already focusing on digitization in production. Some have put it on their agenda, increasingly since the pandemic. Find out below why investing in Industry 4.0 is definitely worthwhile and which factors initially act as a deterrent.

Many companies, especially medium-sized ones, are still reluctant to take the step of digitizing their production. Above all, the presumed costs are put forward as an argument here.

What most companies don’t know at first is that by digitizing their production, however, they can save significant costs in the long run and also increase productivity. The goal here is lean production. The use of industrial smartwatches is particularly efficient and innovative.

Factors that speak for the digitization in production

Despite these arguments, more and more are opting for the path of digitization. There are various options for the concrete implementation. One innovative measure is to implement industrial smartwatches.

The networking of employees and all central machines ensures a constant flow of information. In addition, employees have the option of starting processes via the industrial smartwatch and communicating with each other.

Hardly any company regrets the step of digitizing production in retrospect. The following advantages, especially in combination with industrial smartwatches, are particularly noteworthy.

Quicker communication

The networking of man and machine ensures significantly faster communication. Tasks can be coordinated quickly and errors rectified more quickly.

In addition, employees can also communicate with each other to reduce inconvenient commutes.

Easy documentation process

Paperwork is a thing of the past. By integrating industrial smartwatches, all data is collected, filtered and displayed on the end devices.

This means that important data is no longer lost and the flow of information is ensured. In addition, error data from the machines can be passed on more quickly to the responsible persons.

Less machine downtime

By digitizing production, data is forwarded more quickly to the responsible employees. Only the detailed data documentation finds crucial sources of error.

By using industrial smartwatches, employees can also trigger certain processes to solve the problem from their wrist.

Better insight via process data

By collecting all the data from the individual machines, it is possible to gain a much better insight into the smallest process sequences. This makes it easier to identify sources of error and simplify processes.

Consequence of these advantages

These advantages result in some indicators that make the digitization in production and the use of industrial smartwatches more profitable for companies.

Despite investments that have to be made, some indicators can be significantly improved in the long run, so that overall productivity can be increased and costs reduced. The following indicators stand out the most.

  • Higher production efficiency
  • Improved employee productivity
  • Reduction of manufacturing costs

The above-mentioned possibilities and many more increase both the efficiency of production and the productivity of employees. Through networking, fundamentally much more data is available that can be used effectively.

But employees should not be ignored either. When using industrial smartwatches in the industry, each employee is considered individually in order to provide them with the perfect support.

Savings are attributable to increasing productivity and reduced manufacturing costs.

Contrary to what most companies assume, the initial implementation of industrial smartwatches is neither very costly nor time-consuming.

There are many opportunities to try these out in production on a small scale to see if they deliver what they promise.

We would be pleased to show you in a non-binding consultation how we can make this visible for you in just a few weeks.

Drive digitization of production in your company!

Contact us now and receive comprehensive advice.